So his mind drifts back to the ass who stole his bitch.but as his mind keeps travelling he winds up asking himself waht he really wants and what he really has aside from the fortune and fame which comes and goes. Hes upset at the guy who is now doin his woman, and hates the x-girlfriend too.but his morals are kicking in and he's trying to debate what he knows he feels, and what he knows he believes which is a christian based conscience through life and music, AKA raggae ( as the majority of reggae music is ) Brad mentions his money because he is trying to remember what he has in absence of his heina.but he knows he spent it all. Witnesses of heartbreak will tell you that your mind travels and u step back and do a little soul searching. Brad, lead singer of sublime, is getting over heart break. Or considered just as bad as doing the deed. Bradley starts the song declairing he does not practice santeria(Voodoo) because he knows that in the Bible it says to wish death upon someone is as if u did kill them. But its also about heritage of jamaica, the heritage i'm talking about is their undeniable lifestyle of believeing in one love, and faith in God or as you here them say "Jah". Many people do not no the nature of reggae, most think it is jamaincan/ pot smoking music.well, it is that too. But going back to the roots of the genre of this music as many of sublimes toons are,it is reggae. This song is as most people have noted, hes upset about his woman going off with another guy.